Linus Franke

I'm a PhD Student under the supervision of Marc Stamminger at the Chair of Visual Computing of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.

linus (dot) franke (at) fau (dot) de  /  Scholar  /  Twitter  /  Github

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Research interest in computer graphics, perceptual rendering, computer vision and machine learning. Currently primar focus in neural rendering and novel view synthesis. Representative papers are highlighted.

TRIPS: Trilinear Point Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering
Linus Franke, Darius Rückert, Laura Fink, Marc Stamminger
Eurographics (Computer Graphics Forum), 2024
project page / paper / video / code

Rendering and optimizing neural point clouds via trilinear point splatting and tiny neural networks for novel-view synthesis.

INPC: Implicit Neural Point Clouds for Radiance Field Rendering
Florian Hahlbohm, Linus Franke, Moritz Kappel, Susana Castillo, Marc Stamminger, Marcus Magnor
arXiv, 2024
project page / paper / video / code

Implicit volume-based scene reconstruction combined with point rendering for high detail novel-view synthesis.

VET: Visual Error Tomography for Point Cloud Completion and High-Quality Neural Rendering
Linus Franke, Darius Rückert, Laura Fink, Matthias Innmann, Marc Stamminger
SIGGRAPH Asia, 2023
project page / paper / video / code

Improving point-based novel view synthesis quality by completing point cloud with 3D error volumes from 2D error maps.

Inovis: Instant Novel View Synthesis
Mathias Harrer* Linus Franke*, Laura Fink, Marc Stamminger, Tim Weyrich
SIGGRAPH Asia, 2023
project page / paper / video / code

Point-based novel view synthesis without per scene preprocessing or training using neural image based rendering. (*) Denotes equal contribution.

LiveNVS: Neural View Synthesis on Live RGB-D Streams
Laura Fink, Darius Rückert, Linus Franke, Joachim Keinert, Marc Stamminger
SIGGRAPH Asia, 2023
project page / paper / video / code

Novel view synthesis on live RGB-D streams with feedback during capturing, robust to slam loop closures.

Efficient Rendering for Light Field Displays using Tailored Projective Mappings
Laura Fink, Svenja Strobel, Linus Franke, Marc Stamminger
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2023
paper / presentation / code

Rendering only relevant fragments for parallax-based light field displays through device-tailored projection matrices.

ADOP: Approximate Differentiable One-pixel Point Rendering
Darius Rückert, Linus Franke, Marc Stamminger
paper / video / code

Point-based differentiable one-pixel point rendering for automatic scene calibration and high-quality novel view synthesis.

Time‐Warped Foveated Rendering for Virtual Reality Headsets
Linus Franke, Laura Fink, Jana Martschinke, Kai Selgrad, Marc Stamminger
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), 2021
Presented (virtually) at Eurographics Vienna 2021
paper / presentation / supplemental material

Foveated Rendering via temporal forward reprojection for fast, imperceptible VR rendering.

Multi-Layer Depth of Field Rendering with Tiled Splatting
Linus Franke, Nikolai Hofmann, Marc Stamminger, Kai Selgrad
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 2018
Presented at i3d Montreal 2018
paper / supplemental material

A multi-layered depth of field method for solving partial occlusion in real-time rendering.

A Case Study in Implementation-Space Exploration
Alexander Lier, Linus Franke, Marc Stamminger, Kai Selgrad
Proceedings of the 9th European Lisp Symposium on European Lisp Symposium, 2016

Exploration of generative programming for efficient CUDA kernels in depth of field rendering.

Tiled Depth of Field Splatting
Kai Selgrad, Linus Franke, Marc Stamminger
Eurographics Posters, 2016
paper / poster

Single-layer tiled splatting for depth of field rendering.

Thanks to Jon Barron for his great template.